Thursday, May 1, 2014

Built For Two: Starting the Wedding Day With a Splash

I am generally not a good sleeper and I am even worse in a hotel room or when I have had too much to eat/drink.  So the night before my wedding was a recipe for disaster.  I woke up at 2:30 AM and never looked back.  I flipped through the channels and found a movie I had wanted to watch, Blackfish. ("A mesmerizing psychological thriller with a killer whale at its center, Blackfish is the first film since Grizzly Man to show how nature can get revenge on man when pushed to its limits," according to its website).

Image via
Now, I don't have a whole lot of tried-and-true bits of advice.  Things I would recommend you do, things I would suggest you don't do, etc.  I know what worked for me and our wedding.  That said, if you learn one thing from me, let it be this: Do not wake up at 2:30 on your wedding day and watch Blackfish.  Just don't.  Let's just say that when Law & Order: SVU finally came on, it was a nice change of pace to something a little less upsetting.  I tried to call Mr. B's room but he didn't answer so I laid in bed, by myself, watching awful TV until my hair and makeup crew knocked on my door at around 6:30.  I was the only one ready to go but they wanted to take me last so I tried to get my sister up and frantically started texting all my bridesmaids.

I chose Joli A. to do hair and makeup for us and I am so happy I did.  The girls were so sweet and we were all relaxed talking to them throughout the morning.  Eventually Bridesmaid Nole came with the thing I had been waiting for all morning.  Nay, all engagement.  Chick-fil-A Chicken Minis.

Image via Chick-fil-A
If you aren't fortunate enough to know what a Chicken Mini is, it is basically a chicken nugget wrapped in a honey bread situation.  Heaven in a bite, if you will.  Bridesmaid Nole had them on her wedding morning and I knew from the time I heard that (before we were even engaged??) I needed them on mine as well.  She really came through and brought a huge platter.  In my post-Blackfish, beginning-of-wedding-day state, I didn't get to eat as many as planned but I don't think they went to waste.  We also ordered coffee and orange juice through room service. 

With the room abuzz and our tummies full, we were ready to get pretty and get the show on the road!

Miss a recap? Get caught up here!

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