Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Major Details

Once we returned from our "engage-moon" it was time to start planning.  Where would we get married?  How many people would we invite?  What would our color scheme be?  So many decisions!  Fortunately we had a long car ride right after we got back where we were able to hammer out most of the major decisions.

First things first, we needed to decide where.  I grew up in the northeast and Mr. B grew up in Tampa.  Neither had much appeal to us.  I would have loved to get married in New Orleans but it wasn't at the top of Mr. B's list.  We lived in Tallahassee but neither of us had a real connection there.  As we were talking we remembered one of the best trips we had taken and the decision became easy.  We spent our first anniversary in Savannah, Georgia, and had an amazing time.  I think of it as "New Orleans Light."  It has a rich history, great food, and some of the best squares and parks I have ever seen.  One decision down!

Forsyth Park - how beautiful is this??  (Image via WikiTravel)/Photo by J. Myers)
In Forsyth Park during our first Savannah trip, February 2012.  Personal photo.
The next decision was not nearly as easy - we needed to decide when.  As I've mentioned, Mr. B has Florida Gator football season tickets and our fall Saturdays tend to revolve around going to every home game and watching every away game.  A lot of our friends are in the same position so it became evident that under no circumstances could we get married on a game weekend.  We knew we wanted to get married in the fall (not too hot, not too cold, not my busy season at work) so this created a bit of a problem for us.  Numerous calls to the athletic office left me no better off than each one before.  New teams were joining the SEC and the schedule would not be finalized for months.  Awesome.  You can plan a wedding with no date, right?

Don't worry, I'm not marrying one of these guys (Image via Beacher Report/Photo by Al Messerschmidt/Getty Images )
We went on a scouting trip and finalized our venues - but still no date.

We booked our photographer - but still no date.

We finalized our wedding party - but still no date.

One day I went on espn.com for some reason (I really don't remember why - that is one of probably 3 times I've been on that site) and I caught a glimpse of an article mentioning the 2013 SEC schedule.  Victory!!  I had to piece together a few sites but I finally figured out which October weekend would be our wedding day.  I quickly finalized the date with the church, reception venue, and photographer.  It worked for everyone and it was a huge weight off my shoulders.  Now the real fun could begin!  Am I the only one out there whose wedding date was based on football season??

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